Lawyer Directory /Abogados
Below is a listing of private attorneys that can be retained for paid legal services. Please review the title of the type of matters these attorneys handle (in red text) before contacting anyone listed here.
A continuación se muestra una lista de abogados privados que se pueden retener por servicios legales pagados. Por favor revise el título del tipo de asuntos que estos abogados manejan
(en texto rojo) antes de ponerse en contacto con cualquier persona que aparezca aquí.

The Law Offices Of Lucy Vazquez-Gonzalez
1030 South La Grange Road, Unit 24, La Grange, Illinois 60525
or 1755 S. Naperville Road, Suite 100 Wheaton, IL 60189
ph: 708-813-3273
[email protected] |
1030 South La Grange Road, Unit 24, La Grange, Illinois 60525
or 1755 S. Naperville Road, Suite 100 Wheaton, IL 60189
ph: 708-813-3273
[email protected] |

The Gil Law Group, Jesus Javier Negron, Associate
605 N. Broadway Ave., Aurora, IL 60505
ph: 6309060144 fax: 630-906-0147
[email protected] |

Criminal Defense/Defensa Criminal
Abdallah Law, Shady Yassin, Partner
16345 Harlem Ave. Suite 250,Tinley Park, IL 60477
ph: 312- 229-0008
[email protected] |
Abdallah Law, Shady Yassin, Partner
16345 Harlem Ave. Suite 250,Tinley Park, IL 60477
ph: 312- 229-0008
[email protected] |
Workers' Compensation/Compensación de Trabajadores, Personal Injury/Lesiones Personales

Law Offices of Edwin Reyes
166 W. Washington Suite 500, Chicago IL 60602
ph: 312-220-7000 fax: 312-252-0412
166 W. Washington Suite 500, Chicago IL 60602
ph: 312-220-7000 fax: 312-252-0412
Real Estate, Landlord & Tenant Law/ Abogado de propiedad, Corporate/Corporativo, Employment/Disempleo
Felix Gonzalez
Archer Law Group
6839 Archer Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
ph: 312-602-9553
fax: 312-602-9724
Felix Gonzalez
Archer Law Group
6839 Archer Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
ph: 312-602-9553
fax: 312-602-9724

Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts & Estates, Estate Administration, Probate/ Planificación de Bienes y Herencias
The Perrom Law Group, Roberto M. Romero-Perez, Principal
954 W. Washington Blvd., Ste. 625, Chicago, Illinois 60607
ph: 312.637.9886 fax: 866-855-9535
[email protected] |
The Perrom Law Group, Roberto M. Romero-Perez, Principal
954 W. Washington Blvd., Ste. 625, Chicago, Illinois 60607
ph: 312.637.9886 fax: 866-855-9535
[email protected] |
Bankruptcy/Bancarrota, Criminal/Traffic Defense/Defensa Criminal/ De Tráfico, State of Illinois Reinstatement Hearings/Audiencias de Restablecimiento del Estado de Illinois

Badillo Law Group, P.C.
8745 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 110. Chicago, IL 60631
[email protected] |
Satellite office downtown:
190 S. LaSalle St., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60603
8745 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 110. Chicago, IL 60631
[email protected] |
Satellite office downtown:
190 S. LaSalle St., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60603

Intellectual Property / Patent Law/ Propiedad Intelectual / Derecho de Patentes
McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Alejandro Menchaca, Shareholder
500 W. Madison Street 34th Floor Chicago IL 60661
ph: 3127758103
[email protected] |
McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Alejandro Menchaca, Shareholder
500 W. Madison Street 34th Floor Chicago IL 60661
ph: 3127758103
[email protected] |
Subrogation, Litigation/
Robert Blinick PC,
3701 Commercial Ave # 5, Northbrook, IL 60062
ph: (847) 291-8484
[email protected]
Robert Blinick PC,
3701 Commercial Ave # 5, Northbrook, IL 60062
ph: (847) 291-8484
[email protected]